Course curriculum

    1. Pre-Survey

    2. HCP Introduction

    3. We Can't Afford To...

    4. TOUCH Mission Statement

    5. Know Your...

    6. Personalized Risk

    7. Screening Options and Protocols

    8. Symptoms

    9. Detection Steps

    10. Black Breast Cancer Know the Facts

    11. What is Triple Negative Breast Cancer?

    12. What does Black Triple Negative Breast Cancer (BTNBC) Look Like?

    13. Let's Hear From Dr. Mo about Treating Triple Negative

    14. Black Breast Cancer Overview

    1. Earned Medical Mistrust

    2. Let's Hear from Dr. Mo about Mistrust

    3. Clinical Trials Overview

    4. When We Trial: Karen Peterson

    5. Types of Clinical Trials

    6. Standard of Care

    7. Let's Hear from Dr. Mo about Standard of Care

    8. Clinical Trial Phases

    9. TOUCH Care

    10. FAQs/Myths

    11. Next Steps

    1. What have you learned about When We Tri(al)?

    2. When We Tri(al) SABCS Poster

    3. TOUCH Pink Sundays

    4. Where to Access When We Tri(al) Information

    5. Don't forget to sign up for the mailing list.

    1. When We Tri(al) Training Request Form

    2. TOUCH Team and Programs

    3. Post Survey

    4. Thank you to our funders!

About this course

  • Free
  • 34 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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